Teaching Tomorrow's Nurses

Teaching Tomorrow's Nurses

Authors:Jennifer O’Rourke PhD, APN-BC, CHSE, Andrew Bobal EdD
Publication Date:September 9, 2024
Availability: IN STOCK
Price : $39.99
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  • As the role of technology in nursing education grows increasingly prominent, mastering its application in the classroom is more critical than ever. But with so many available resources, how do you find the right ones and effectively integrate them into your course?
    Teaching Tomorrow’s Nurses: A Technology-Enhanced Approach is your field guide to optimal learning outcomes through technology. Packed with expert perspectives from across the nursing education spectrum, this comprehensive toolkit walks you through the why and how of using technology to engage and evaluate learners, empowering you to make informed choices and confidently implement them in your course.  
    Embrace your potential and ensure student success with:
    • Detailed descriptions of traditional and emerging technologies relevant to nursing academia
    • Evidence-based advantages and challenges for each tool
    • Straightforward evaluation protocols and approaches 
    • Sample cases that guide you through course integration for in-person and virtual learning models
    • Real-world examples mapped to learning objectives  
  • Jennifer O’Rourke PhD, APN-BC, CHSE
    Andrew Bobal EdD
  • Chapter 1: Transformative Nursing Education: Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Learning and 
    Chapter 2: Pedagogical Considerations When Teaching with Technology   
    Chapter 3: Promoting High Quality e-Learning Design and Delivery     
    Chapter 4: Infusing Technology in the Classroom: Consider the Verb     
    Chapter 5: Learning Environment and Experienced: Engagement, Motivation and Community Building     
    Chapter 6: Universal Design: Using Technology with Inclusion in Mind     
    Chapter 7: Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Applications     
    Chapter 8: Keeping it Simple: A Review of Old but Dependable Tools       
    Chapter 9: Gamification     
    Chapter 10: Polling and Survey Tools     
    Chapter 11: Adaptive Testing-Based Formative Assessment     
    Chapter 12: Integrating Video Technology into Nursing Education    Chapter 13: Virtual Patient Simulation     
    Chapter 14: Breakthrough Learning: Escape Rooms in Nursing Education                
    Chapter 15: Electronic Health Records     
    Chapter 16: Creating an ePortfolio for Success     
    Chapter 17: Working in Teams: Technology Tools for Success     
    Chapter 18: The Speed of Sense Making