Scientific Inquiry in Nursing Education
Authors:Barbara Patterson , Anne Krouse
Publication Date:August 16, 2016
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How we teach and what we teach is being questioned by multiple stakeholders in higher education, including the public at large. Given these forces, Scientific Inquiry in Nursing Education addresses the quality of the scholarship and research evidence on which nurse faculty have been basing their teaching practices.
In order to fill a gap in nursing research, this book offers a perspective that focuses scientific inquiry directly on teaching practice. Multiple audiences will benefit from the guidance provided in these chapters:- Nurse scientists interested in designing, conducting, and using pedagogical research
- Doctoral students, both PhD and DNP, for their research
- Novice, experienced, and seasoned nurse faculty who want to conduct research in nursing education
- Barbara Patterson
- Barbara Patterson, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN is Professor and Director of the PhD Program in the School of Nursing, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania. She has chaired over 60 PhD dissertations, many investigating nursing education topics. She has presented and published extensively in the areas of evidence-based teaching, veterans’ academic transitions, and nursing education leadership. Her passion is the generation and translation of evidence for nursing education. Dr. Patterson is Editor-in-Chief for Nursing Education Perspectives.
- Anne Krouse
- Anne M. Krouse, PhD, MBA, RN-BC, is a Professor in the School of Nursing at Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania, where she also holds the position of Associate Provost for Learning Spaces and Strategic Initiatives. Dr. Krouse is also the Coordinator of the Executive Nurse Leadership program. Her teaching experience is in the areas of maternal-child health, nursing education, leadership, informatics, and health policy. She was awarded the Fitz Dixon Innovation in Teaching award in 2012 for her work in teaching health policy. Her research and publications have been primarily in the areas of nursing education, leadership, and maternal-child health. Dr. Krouse is currently a member of the National League for Nursing Public Policy committee.
Chapter 1: Researching Nursing Education
Chapter 2: The Role of Theory in Nursing Education Research
Chapter 3: Generating the Research Evidence
Chapter 4: Measuring Educational Concepts
Chapter 5: Design-based Educational Research in Nursing
Chapter 6: Ethical Inquiry in Research in Nursing Education
Chapter 7: Managing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data
Chapter 8: Evidence-Based Teaching: Moving Evidence into Practice
Chapter 9: Generating Simulation Evidence
Chapter 10: Creating Evidence for Distance Education in Nursing