Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Authors:Elizabeth Speakman EdD, RN, CDE, ANEF
Publication Date:August 16, 2016
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  • Awarded second place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development.
    Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice helps nurse educators develop multidiscipline, team-based learning opportunities for students. Each chapter, coauthored by an interprofessional team, presents a broad perspective on how to create, deliver, and evaluate meaningful interprofessional education and collaborative practice learning opportunities.

    This practical book includes the following features to help faculty provide the learning experiences students need to develop effective collaborative practice, which will enhance patient safety and quality care:
    • Exemplars of successful implementation and interprofessional competency frameworks
    • Conceptual models for evaluating outcomes, as well as coverage of evaluation principles
    • Insightful discussions of diverse venues for interprofessional activities, including classroom, simulation, and experiential opportunities
    “Advancing collaboration and teamwork by providing practical wisdomis the goal of this book—a goal that the authors readily achieve.”
    Malcolm Cox, MD
    Adjunct Professor of Medicine
    Perelman School of Medicine
    University of Pennsylvania

    Former Chief Academic Affiliations Officer
    US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Elizabeth Speakman EdD, RN, CDE, ANEF
    Elizabeth Speakman, EdD, RN, CDE, FNAP, ANEF is Co-Director of the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education and an Associate Professor in the Jefferson College of Nursing at Thomas Jefferson University.  Prior to that Dr Speakman was Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Dean of the RN-BSN program in the Jefferson College of Nursing.  Dr. Speakman is a Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow.  A nurse educator for 30 years, Dr. Speakman serves as a curriculum expert and consultant, with over 100 national presentations.  Dr. Speakman’s research area is interprofessional education and collaborative practice and in adult higher education, specifically retention and intervention strategies. Her practice settings include critical care, post anesthesia care unit, emergency room and community health nursing.
     Dr. Speakman has served on various committees within the College of Nursing and the University, as well as nationally serving two three-year terms as a Board of Governor for the National League for Nursing, and she recently was elected to the NLN Strategic Planning Committee.  Dr.  Speakman was chosen to be Johnson and Johnson Faculty Mentor, Jonas Foundation faculty mentor, and received the Dean’s Achievement Award for excellence in teaching, research, and service, and has been recognized by the Cherry Hill Township for distinguish community service.  In 2014, Dr. Speakman was elected as a Distinguished Practitioner and Fellow in the National Academies of Practice, received the Louise McManus Medal for distinguished services to Nursing, and was inducted into the Hall of Fame at Columbia University. Dr. Speakman received a BS in Nursing from Wagner College, New York in 1980,  her Master’s Degree and Doctorate in Education from Columbia University in 1985 and 2000, respectively, and a Certificate in Healthcare Education from the Harvard-Macy Institute at Harvard University.
  • About the Editor iii
    About the Contributors iv
    Foreword xi
    Preface xii
    Acknowledgments xv
    Chapter 1 Introduction to Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Setting the Foundation 1
    Chapter 2 Core Competencies and the Kirkpatrick Model: A Framework for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice 11
    Chapter 3 Faculty Development in Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaborative Practice 21
    Chapter 4 The Benefits of the Patient Educator/Mentor to Maximize Student Learning in Interprofessional Teams 33
    Chapter 5 Mobilization and Organizing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities 47
    Chapter 6 Creating Experiential Interprofessional Opportunities 63
    Chapter 7 Community-Based Interprofessional Education: Partnerships Promoting Health and Well-Being 75
    Chapter 8 Using Technology to Support Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice 91
    Chapter 9 Interprofessional Education and Simulation: Building a Culture of Communication and Teamwork for Patient Safety 107
    Chapter 10 Interprofessional Education: The International Context 121
    Chapter 11 Evaluating and Disseminating Interprofessional Education 131