Building a Science of Nursing Education

Building a Science of Nursing Education

Authors:Cathleen Shultz PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN
Publication Date:November 30, 2012
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  • Building the Science of Nursing Education: Foundation for Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning is the culmination of a seven-year project by the NLN Task Group on Teaching-Learning Paradigms. The contributors, all seasoned nurse educator-scholars, thoroughly investigated existing studies of nursing education practice and created the first model for building a science of nursing education, which, it is hoped, will serve as a foundation for continuing scholarship in the field.

    The primary goal of the book is to promote evidence-based nursing education and the scholarship of teaching. It is a resource for graduate students, new nurse educators, new and experienced scholars, and seasoned nurse educators to assist them in understanding the scope and use of existing nursing education science and to create new areas of research. There are chapters devoted to the essentials of learning and teaching-learning in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. The concluding chapter is a broad overview of the task group's work and points to challenges that remain to be tackled by future scholars for whom this volume is designed to be a resource.

    This book presents the readers with the best teaching-learning strategies to transmit the necessary critical thinking and other skills to maximize patient care.
  • Cathleen Shultz PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN
    List of Tables
    List of Figures
    Chapter 1: Building a Science of Nursing Education
    Ruth Seris Gresley, PhD, RN, CNE
    Chapter 2: A Framework for Organizing and Reporting Research Findings: Using a Common Language
    Shelia Cox SUL>
    Chapter 3: Essentials of Learning
    Nell Ard, PHD, RNC, CNS, CNE
    Chapter 4: Teaching-Learning in the Cognitive Domain
    Cesarina Thompson, PhD, RN
    Chapter 5: Teaching-Learning in the Psychomotor Domain
    Pamela R. Jeffries, DNS, RN, FAAN, ANEF & Gail Kpst, MSN, RN, CNE & Vema Sweitzer, MN, RN, CNE
    Chapter 6: Teaching-Learning in the Affective Domain
    Cathleen M. Shultz, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN
    Chapter 7: Ongoing Development of the Science of Nursing Education
    Theresa M Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
    Appendix A: Author Profiles
    Appendix B: NLN Task Group on Teaching-Learning Paradigms (2001-2006)
    Appendix C: Journals and Annual Reviews that Publishing Nursing Education Research
    Appendix D: Nursing Education Databases
    Janet M Phillips, PhDc, RN
    Appendix E: Summary of Major Categories of Krathwohl, Bloom, & Masia’s Affective Domain Taxonomy
    Cathleen M. Shultz, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN
    Appendix F: Latin American Scientific Contribution to New Teaching/Learning/Evaluation Paradigms to Advance Nursing Education: A Progress Review of the Portuguese and Spanish Literature
    Gloria Wright, PhD, RN & Maria de Souza, PhD, RN &Kenya Reibnitz & Joel Mancia & Silvia Ortega, MNSc
  • Numerous appendices offer additional information and resources to help a reader’s knowledge gap.

    Comprehensive tables summarizing research-based literature on numerous topics, including learning styles, learning environments, and thinking styles in nursing and higher education.

    References are listed so readers can pursue the content further.