Best Practices in Teaching Nursing

Best Practices in Teaching Nursing

Authors:Joanne Noone PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, ANEF, Paula Gubrud EdD, RN, CHSE, FAAN, ANEF
Publication Date:September 27, 2023
Availability: IN STOCK
Price : $64.99
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  • Best Practices in Teaching Nursing empowers you with a detailed perspective on advances in nursing pedagogies that support the development of deep understanding and effective clinical judgment among all of your students. 
    Authored by expert nurse educators, this unique text helps you foster exceptional education experiences with an emphasis on practical application focused on teaching and assessing learners. Current and best practices are grounded within nursing as a practice profession and incorporate the science of learning, reflecting the most current research-based insights and proven pedagogical approaches.
  • Joanne Noone PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, ANEF
    Paula Gubrud EdD, RN, CHSE, FAAN, ANEF
  • Section 1.  Introduction
    Chapter 1:   Educating Nurses:  Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
    Chapter 2:   Teaching in a Practice-Based Profession
    Chapter 3:   The Science of Learning
    Chapter 4:   Faculty Development:  Preparing to Teach
    Section 2:  Best Teaching Practices
    Chapter 5:   Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
    Chapter 6:   Frameworks to Engage Diverse Learners
    Chapter 7:   Backward Design:  Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, and Activities
    Chapter 8:   Strategies for Active and Authentic Learning
    Chapter 9:   Best Practices in Online Education
    Chapter 10:  Current Concepts in Clinical Education
    Chapter 11:  Concept-Based Learning in the Clinical Learning Environment
    Chapter 12:  Best Practices in Simulation Learning
    Chapter 13:  Service-Learning
    Section 3:  Assessment of Learning
    Chapter 14:  Equitable Assessment Practices
    Chapter 15:  Item Writing and Analysis
    Chapter 16:  Rubric Development
    Chapter 17:  Assessment of Clinical Judgment
    Chapter 18:   Ethical and Legal Considerations in Assessment 
  • This dynamic resource:
    • Provides critical information for fulfilling your role in teaching in the classroom and in a variety of clinical settings. 
    • Highlights foundational elements for designing and assessing learning activities. 
    • Emphasizes the most relevant knowledge and skills behind effective instruction, informed by trusted learning science.
    • Introduces essential pedagogical concepts and salient information for teaching with best practices.  
    • Promotes educating diverse learners and incorporates concepts and activities focused on addressing the social determinants of health.
    • Expands teaching and learning activities beyond acute care to support effective instruction for population-based care, care coordination, and interprofessional education.